Building a Lightweight System Monitoring Tool in Rust

My talk will be introducing a simple system monitoring tool, crafted using the Rust programming language. Designed for seamless integration into the terminal environment, It's a lightweight yet powerful tool offers real-time insights into critical system aspects, including memory usage, processes, and disk space.

With Rust as a language of choice, renowned for its efficiency and command-line suitability, i've created a monitoring tool that prioritizes accessibility and user-friendliness. This project serves as an embodiment of Rust's capabilities, showcasing its effectiveness in developing straightforward, robust command-line applications.

Motivated by the need for an easily navigable monitoring tool, this project simplifies RAM and processor resource tracking, providing users with an intuitive interface that eliminates the need for complex setups or heavy task managers. The tool's contribution lies in offering a streamlined alternative for resource monitoring, optimizing efficiency, and enhancing accessibility through the simplicity of the terminal.


Abdellah Guizoul

Abdellah Guizoul
Software engineering student, INPT

3rd year Software engineering student at INPT Rabat

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